The Robust Runner

Building Runners to be strong, capable, and Durable for whatever their race will throw at them.


Strength training might as well be a four letter word to runners. Strength Training is an after thought for many athletes until they are injured, frustrated, and broken.

The Robust Runner is a program targets the major problem areas that runners struggle with. The Robust Runner Strength program is for athletes who struggle with Knee Pain, IT Band Syndrome, Piriformis pain, and Psoas weakness. These movements are running focused - don’t look for bicep curls here - we’re focusing on building a runner that has good mechanics in the weight room so they can have efficient mechanics with every run.

I’ve built this program over years of working with runners, solving their problems through movement. I firmly believe that movement is medicine and that when you can move well - you simply can’t be stopped. Take your time to perfect the small stuff and see big results.

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Buy the Robust Runner Program on Train Heroic


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