Mile Markers

Mile 7 | What you are geared to do

Mile 7 | What you are geared to do

In my journey of life thus far, I have seen a solid mix of people living from a place of passion, and many from their limiting belief - believing they are incapable or find themselves chasing a lifestyle they will never have in their current line of work. This was me, I was chasing my calling in the corporate world. Learning that my greatest gift was what I gave away not what I was paid to do.

Mile 4 | Going on Instinct

Mile 4 | Going on Instinct

I always thought I had to be tough on the exterior and letting people in was the last thing I would do. The idea of vulnerability put far more fear in my veins than any race, wrestling match, or speaking event. To share my feelings would make me so vulnerable people would see right through me, would see that I’m well - human. This class has given me an opportunity to be vulnerable, no one has yet come up to me and said that I’m fake or inhuman, incapable. They’ve come around and shared stories of heartbreak, loss, and growth. Turns out we’re all not as broken as we thought.

Mile 3 | Know yourself

Mile 3 | Know yourself

Know yourself -

I started this blog with the intention to share, grow, and put myself out into this world in a more vulnerable and reachable way. To share, not only my journey to finding out who I am, but working through the times in my life that formed me. I’ve shared about my weight loss, my mother's stroke, and I’m now going to share my step towards personal and business growth and goals. 

Mile 2 | Unstuck

Mile 2 | Unstuck

It’s on you to make the jump. If you feel stuck, you can’t wait for someone to shake you loose. That person you’ve always wanted to be is the person on the other side of fear, discomfort, and doubt. It won’t feel good everyday but when you look back you’ll be happy with the fact that you put yourself out there; so few will.

I was stuck in a mindset and pattern of seeking comfort, the only way I could move forward was to seek discomfort. This meant having tough conversations, taking criticism, and using these as opportunities to grow instead of shrink. Personal growth is a team sport if you’re doing it right - seek out people who push you to be your best - not the ones who allow your comfort.

Mile 1 | Upgrade

Mile 1 | Upgrade

Upgrade your life. I love to look back and reflect on past success but I have found that in the last 6 months my gaze on the past has held me back. It’s been hard to define my path forward with our business, with my personal goals, and how I can upgrade my life towards my ideal lifestyle.

Did you sit down at the end of the year and congratulate yourself for what you accomplished? Did you take time to reflect on where you can improve? It’s not too late to start setting your intentions for what’s ahead. Here’s an even bigger secret - It’s never too late!